Future of Budou-Senshin

One day to achieve Hawke’s Bay as leading Table grape’s production Region like Yamanashi

We hope that Hawke’s Bay, where we grow grapes in New Zealand, will one day be New Zealand’s number one table grape production region.
It’s also a way I would like to give back to New Zealand for accepting me and helping me with the project of growing Japanese grapes.
And someday, I would like to make New Zealand as one of main exporting country of table grapes in the world.

Following in the footsteps of the “NZ brand of kiwis” and
bringing Japanese Brand Grapes to the World

We are working on producing grapes throughout the year at two different countries, Japan in the Northern Hemisphere and in New Zealand based in the Southern Hemisphere, both growing grapes in the Japanese style. I would also like to spread the information and the know-how to the world of how to grow grapes in New Zealand, Japanese style.
New Zealand brand kiwi fruits are grown in Japan in New Zealand style so that kiwi fruits can be delivered to consumers throughout the year and are sold under the extruded brand name.
I would like to achieve that in the opposite way of Japanese table grapes, grown in Japanese style techniques in New Zealand.while taking full attention to protecting the intellectual property rights. I would like to spread the world’s highest level of Japanese cultivation technology.
We aim to grow in a “win-win relationship” for everyone involved.


仕事と余暇を切り離し、部分的な最適化を追求するのではなく、それらを融合させた自然と一緒に歩むライフスタイルを提案し「ディーセント・ワークの実現」を目指します。 日本とニュージーランドで夏冬通して葡萄栽培を手掛けることで、年間通して働く環境を整える。それが安定した雇用やスタッフのスキルアップを実現し、新しい技術の導入や働き方の改善などをベースにして、そう遠くない将来に年次有給休暇の完全消化、農繁期の休日の導入が実現していきたいと考えています